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My San Diego, California Chiropractic Services Have helped many live a more balanced life with less pain, more energy and less stress.

Chiropractic Care: It’s Not just About Back Pain.

What does your stress feel like? 

  1. It may feel like physical discomfort such as: neck pain, back pain, and headaches.
  2. Perhaps it’s mental or emotional difficulties like: brain fog or poor memory, fatigue or migraines, or maybe mood changes. 
  3. Or, maybe it feels more of an environmental disturbance, for instance: allergies and sensitivities, poor digestion, bloating and gas, or hormonal imbalance. 

Chiropractic can help.

“If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.” – Steve Jobs.


Did you know that there are only 3 types of stress?

  1. Physical Stress – this could also be referred to as mechanical or structural stress. If you sprain your ankle, you have a physical stressor.
  2. Environmental Stress – this includes not only your internal (biochemical) environment but your external environment as well.
  3. Mental/Emotional Stress – this could include anything from stressful situations at work, in relationships, spending too much time on the news feeds…the list goes on.

This is important because you CANNOT change one without impacting the other two! If you sprain your ankle, you have a physical stressor. Your ankle swells, it becomes inflamed and painful. Almost instantly, your biochemistry is altered. Now you’re angry and you have an emotional reaction. THAT’S THE WAY THE BODY WORKS!